Course curriculum

    1. Pattern

    1. Intro and Supplies

    1. 1. Press

    2. 2. Pin the top to the pattern

    3. 3. Marking the design

    1. 1. Stitching the Center

    2. 2. Echoed Flower Pedals

    3. 3. Curled Feather Inside Arc

    4. 4. Curled Feathers

    5. 5. Outer Arc of Curled Feather

    6. 6. Inside Arc of Side Feather

    7. 7. Outside Arc of Side Feather

    8. 8. Side Feather

    9. 9. Corner in Border

    1. 1. Touching Circles

    2. 2. Spaced Circles

    3. 3. Orange Peel Border

    1. 1. Curved Crosshatch

    2. 2. Rays

About this course

  • $125.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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